Monday, 2 May 2011

Royal Wedding Blues

I'm not a particularly ardent royalist, I don't bother them and they don't bother me. I could have quite happily let the whole wedding thing pass me by, unfortunately the French (after having beheaded their own monarchy) press decided to take an interest in the whole thing. I also regularly log onto the BBC website and was also surprised to find that wedding fever seemed to have taken over the whole of that site too. It really did feel as if all the media was jumping on the bandwagon, 'If such and such a channel are covering it, then we must too!' Not exactly a mark of good quality news reporting.

A lot of the bars in Lyon also suddenly put up posters saying that they would be showing the wedding (some even opening early to do so).
Then on the day, loads of Facebook comments from friends both in the UK and here in France about it. There seemed to be two distinct camps, a whole sort of Marmite thing - you either loved it or hated it. One Facebook friend was going around condemning anyone who made the slightest bit of a mockery out of it to the tower, while another was writing pointed comments about the snooker. (Both were male.)
I started off by not being fussed about it but began to grow to resent it. In fact it all got annoying and I'm glad it is all over.

Hopefully the last word was had at the gym this morning, when I collected my new card, the receptionist asked if I had 'watched the wedding', I really didn't understand what he was talking about (being more concerned about what my photo just taken on the webcam would look like) and my look of puzzlement must have showed, so he said the royal wedding. My 'pfft' and dismissive wave of my hand instantly helped make me new friends.

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