Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Feeling hot, hot, hot!

It has been hot in Lyon ever since I got back from my holiday and I have not been able to much more than moan about how hot it is and debate whether I should move into the fridge.

A good indicator of the temperature is the chicken man in the Croix Rousse market. He has one of those rotisserie stalls that you buy ready roasted chickens from. In the winter he is Mr Popular amongst the other stallholders who seem to all drop by and have a chat with him. I'm sure the length of the chat is in direct ratio as to how cold it is. However if you walk past the stall in the summer it appears to be unmanned. Then you notice him about 3 stalls down having a chat with the cheese man or the fish man, who have refrigerated trailers for their products! Yesterday he appeared to be having a long chat with one of the meat guys so it must have been hot.

The French seem to have an aversion to aircon though and maybe for good reason as it is always rumoured that the machines are great breeding grounds for nasty things that can make you ill. 'La clim' is a constant source of debate in the gym between those who want it and those who don't. However doing Body Pump or Zumba when it's 37° without aircon is most unpleasant, so you can make an educated guess as to which side I am on!

This afternoon my friend and I met at the ice cream place in Place Sathonay to cool down with an ice cream and catch up on the summer news. We managed to cool down a lot because as we sat and chatted(and had our ice creams) the clouds rolled in, the wind picked up and the rain started to fall.


  1. Lyon Lottie

    I really don't have the faintest idea what "Body Pump or Zumba" are (but they do sound painful) but, you know...

    I've lived in France for 8 years now without noticing how the market traders tend to move around depending on the weather - and you're absolutely right! Now that I think about it, exactly the same thing happens at my local market!

    All the best


    P.S. I heard (from a rather reliable source down at the village bar) that "La Clim" gives you SIDA!

  2. Hi Keith

    Body Pump - exercise torture with barbell and weights
    Zumba - aerobic torture set to African and Latin music

    Love the advice on AIDS, does your source have any other gems like that?
